You can’t take a red pen and scratch through sentences in a word processor. Learn how to do the next best thing and add a strikethrough in Microsoft Word. Wondering how to strikethrough in Microsoft Word, how to put a line through text, and why you might need to do so? A strikethrou...
1. Select the text you want to strikethrough Open the word document with the text you want to strike through and select it. You can click and drag over the text or double-click if it is a word. If you are using a mouse, you can hold the left button down and drag over the words ...
Did you learn about how to put a line through text in WPS Excel? You can follow WPS Academy to learn more features of Word Document, Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint Slides. You can alsodownload WPS Officeto edit the word documents, excel, PowerPoint for free of cost. Download now! And ...
When working in Microsoft Word, you've probably seen two different kinds of text with lines through it (commonly called a "strikethrough"). Red text with a red line through it happens when you delete text while the collaborative Track Changes feature is on. Black text with a black line jus...
Insert or put a line over text with Field Code in Word Insert or put a line over text with Equation function in Word To insert a line over text, the normal Equation feature can help you to solve it, please do as this: 1. Click where you want to insert an over-line text, and the...
返回或设置一个 WdLineEndingType 常量,该常量指示如何 Microsoft Word 能够标记行和段落保存为文本文件的文档中的分页符。 读/写。语法expression. TextLineEnding表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Document 对象的变量。示例将活动文档保存为文本文件时,本示例将为该活动文档中的直线或段落分隔符输入回车。
CSS属性 - text-decoration CSS属性 - letter-spacing、word-spacing CSS属性 - text-transform CSS属性 - text-indent CSS属性 - text-align CSS属性 - font-size CSS属性 - fo
This attribute is supported in core Word 2007. This attribute is supported on save for text in SmartArt and chart titles and labels. b. The standard defines the attribute style:text-line-through-type, contained within the element This attribute is not ...
word-spacing normal / <length> normal letter-spacing normal / <length> normal font-family serif / sans-serif / monospace / cursive / fantasy / <string> font-style normal / italic normal text-decoration-line none / underline / overline / line-through none 仅作用于 text 节点 text-deco...
返回或设置一个 WdLineEndingType 常量,该常量指示如何 Microsoft Word 能够标记行和段落保存为文本文件的文档中的分页符。 读/写。语法expression. TextLineEnding表达式是必需的。 一个代表 Document 对象的变量。示例将活动文档保存为文本文件时,本示例将为该活动文档中的直线或段落分隔符输入回车。