Grade 3 and up. 2nd through 4th Grades Make a Line Plot: Music A music teacher gives her class a 6-question test about composers. Show her students' scores on a line plot. Grade 3 and up. 3rd and 4th Grades Make a Line Plot: Soccer Camp This 3-page worksheet packet will have...
For these worksheets you need to read a scale to work out the data values which then need to be put into the line plot. The scales go up in 1/8 divisions for most of the measurements. Interpreting Line Plots Worksheets 4th Grade
1st and 2nd Grades Subtracting Integers #1 Subtract positive and negative integers by counting backward or forward on the number line. 5th through 7th Grades Subtracting Integers #2 Another worksheet for teaching positive and negative integer subtraction. ...
How is a line graph different from ascatter plot? The difference lies in their definitions themselves. A line graph is a type of chart or graph that is used to show information that changes over time. On the other hand, a scatter plot is a means to represent data in a graphical format...