If you drew a line down the middle of the picture, you would notice that each side of the Taj Mahal looks exactly the same. This means the building has symmetry.Symmetryis when an object looks the exact same on one side as the other. ...
Explaining information- read about the term 'line of symmetry' and explain it correctly Additional Learning You can learn more if you use the lesson called What is a Line of Symmetry? - Lesson for Kids. Other topics you can review include: ...
Define line of work. line of work synonyms, line of work pronunciation, line of work translation, English dictionary definition of line of work. Noun 1. line of work - the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money; "he's not in my line of
The line that divides the object into its identical halves is called the line of symmetry. For example, in the given image, the line passing through the middle of the flower is its line of symmetry.Definition of Line of SymmetryA line of symmetry is the line that divides a shape or an...
Symmetry defines that the shape is identical on both sides when it is divided by a line. The symmetry of different shapes, regular or irregular. Learn about the symmetry of shapes with examples at BYJU’S.
A horizontal line is a line that goes from left to right and is parallel to the horizon or x-axis. The equation of horizontal line will have only one variable. Learn symmetry of horizontal line at BYJU’S, with examples.
Uses of Vertical LinesVertical lines have great applications in various fields, such as symmetry and photography.A vertical line of symmetry runs across the image from top to bottom or bottom to top and divides the image into identical halves....
“I could have died with symmetry!But, shaded in your lee,The sun’s half-bruised my vanity,And stolen grace from me.That I should die unprettily!But how could I forsee--”The flower ranted noisily,But silent stood the tree.#0068...
I don't have any bodypart that's especially outstanding but I have good lines and good symmetry. In my 20's, I didn't need to do much to stay in shape and I wasn't interested in being real big. I had more of that "Michelangelo's David" type of body...skinny by today's ...