网络释义 1. 视线地图 国土资讯系统-资料仓储及标准制度分组网站 ... Land Utilization Map 土地利用图Line-of-Sight Map视线地图Map 地图 ...|基于8个网页
[見通し (Line Of Sight)] ツールの詳細 図 使用法 観測点と目標点の定義には、入力ラインの端点のみが使用されます。見通し線は、可視性を判断する対象の観測点と目標点を表す 2 つの頂点で構成される直線である必要があります。 観測点がポイント フィーチャで特定され、可視性のターゲット...
RF Line-of-Sight provides radio path information for mapping long distance SCADA radio communications by using antenna height and topography.
[見通し (Line Of Sight)] ツールは、3D 空間で位置を指定した 2 つのポイントについて、サーフェスとの関係に基づいて相互可視性を計算します。
The LineOfSight widget is a 3D analysis tool that allows you to perform visibility analysis in a SceneView. Visibility between a given observer and multiple target points is calculated against the currently displayed content in the view, including ground, integrated meshes and 3D objects such as ...
To access the optional profile graph, use the Explore tool to open the pop-up for the output line of sight feature's profile you want to view. Click the graph for a full-size view. The Explore tool is in the Navigate group on the Map tab. ParametersDialogPython Label Explanation Data ...
When added to the map, the output areas visible to the observer will be green, and areas not visible will be red. The tool generates a range fan polygon feature class representing the entire area covered by observer parameters. ParametersDialogPython Label Explanation Data Type Input Observer The...
I'm working on a game in RMMV that uses on-map encounters. Recently, I finished a level that stealth mechanics, which is to say it was populated with enemies that follow patrol routes that can be avoided by staying out of their line of sight. I really like idea and it ...
line′ of sight′ n. imaginary straight line running through aligned sights, as of a firearm. imaginary straight line that connects the center of the eye with the point focused on. 3.sightline. Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Cop...
line of sight, line of vision - an imaginary straight line along which an observer looks line of latitude, parallel of latitude, parallel, latitude - an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator lunar latitude - an imaginary line around the moon parallel to its equator itinerary...