Viewers will join Jed Mercurio, the creator and writer of “Line of Duty,” alongside Martin Compston, who played the memorable role of Di Steve Arnott. In this special episode, the two will enter an interrogation room, where they will delve into their personal memories and experiences while...
Would the third time become the charm via Duty? Maybe – sort of. While not a great movie, Duty certainly works better than the earlier Miller films I saw. Much of this comes from the basic framework, as Duty goes loose ‘n’ lively enough to keep us with it. The story embraces it...
A beyond gripping and above-average tale of UK police corruption, rarely slowing down needlessly and showcasing plausible office politics- it all pays off on an emotional level. Also, a must-see for manhunt action and familiar beloved character actors seen in each new season! Plot: Detective ...
To me the flaw of the short term series such as LINE OF DUTY is its suffers from padding, stretching its one central plot to its limits. JUSTIFIED always has one or two episodes that drag simply to set up the exposition of that season’s plot (similar to the first half hour of PERRY...
In the Line of Duty: The Price of Vengeance(1994 TV Movie) Shoot Em Up Classic 2 February 2004 I loved, loved, loved, loved this movie. I think that the way Michael Gross played his role was utterly magnificent. I do believe that Michael Gross is quite possibly the premier thespian in...
In the Line of Duty(Season 2, Episode 2) TV-PG TV Episode|44 min|Action, Adventure, Drama Edit pageAdd to list Samantha Carter becomes the host of a Goa'uld when she was trying to save the life of the previous host. Read more:Plot summary ...
“Actors are inclined to take undue risks with their lives,” she said. “They are frightened. Time is money. They don’t want to hold production up. They don’t want to look silly in front of other people. Roy always wanted to be Mr. Nice Guy. That was always Roy’s motto in ...
34→in the line of duty 35→be in the firing line/in the line of fire 36→lines 37family[singular]your family, considered as the people you are related to who lived before you and the people who will live after youShe comes from a long line of actors.It looks as if Joe might be...
line of There was a line of fir trees on either side of the road. 道路两旁枞树林立。 The four men were standing in a line on the other side of the table. 那四个男人在桌子的另一边站成一排。 A couple of the posts were out of line (=not in a straight row). 有几根柱子没有排成...
Beyond the Line of Duty: Directed by Lewis Seiler. With Hewitt T. Wheless, Ronald Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hubert R. Harmon. This short film in support of the war effort dramatizes the training and missions of Army Air Forces Captain Hewett T. Whel