The LINE Messaging API SDK for Python makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. Documentation See the official API documentation for more information English: ...
The LINE Messaging API SDK for nodejs makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. Documentation See the official API documentation for more information English: ...
line_bot_api = LineBotApi('YOUR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN')# channel的token,创建channel之后有handler = WebhookHandler('YOUR_CHANNEL_SECRET')# channel的secret,创建channel之后有@app.route("/callback", methods=['POST'])defcallback():# 用于确认通信# get X-Line-Signature header valuesignature = requ...
The LINE Messaging API SDK for nodejs makes it easy to develop bots using LINE Messaging API, and you can create a sample bot within minutes. Documentation See the official API documentation for more information English: ...
相關SDK 介紹 - Messaging API SDK API Status Info 可以讓你檢查目前 LINE 平台伺服器的狀況 Messaging API 的 Document 最專業的官方認證技術專家 - LINE API Expert參與者們的相關詢問:1. Icon Switch API 是否要收費?A:Icon Switch 可以讓官方帳號切換顯示的名稱跟圖示,可以讓使用者更有相關的感受。 這裡...
参考链接: 分享文本: line://msg/text/xxxxx;“xxxxx”部分即要分享的文本,文本支持Unicode 表情以及line自定的表情,限制2000字符 publicvoidshareTextToLine(String content){String scheme="line://msg/text/"+content;Uri uri=Uri.parse(...
* Engineers get insights into LINE’s cloud AI platform, new expert accreditation system, and Messaging API * New Kyoto ‘developer base’ announced, coming spring 2018
With Omnichannel for Customer Service, you can implement a connector to integrate custom messaging channels by using Direct Line API 3.0, that's part of .NET SDK. The complete sample code illustrates how you can create your own connector. To learn more about the Direct Line API 3.0, see ...
Messaging API の設定を選択し、下にスクロールして Webhook 設定を表示します。 Azure から [Webhook URL] を入力し、[更新] を選択します。 URL の下にある [確認] ボタンを選択します。 Webhook URL が正しく構成されている場合は、成功メッセージが表示されます。 次に、以下に示すように...