This is a class to communicate with LINE Messaging API platform. It uses HttpClient-based asynchronous methods such as followings. TaskReplyMessageAsync(stringreplyToken,IList<ISendMessage>messages)TaskReplyMessageAsync(stringreplyToken,paramsstring[]messages)TaskPushMessageAsync(stringto,IList<ISendMessage...
replyToken can only be used once, but you can send up to 5 messages using the same token.const { Line } = require('messaging-api-line'); client.reply(REPLY_TOKEN, [ Line.createText('Hello'), Line.createImage({ originalContentUrl: '', previewImageUrl:...
line_bot_api.push_message('to', TextSendMessage(text='Hello World!'))exceptlinebot.exceptions.LineBotApiErrorase:print(e.status_code)print(e.request_id)print(e.error.message)print(e.error.details) 回到顶部 Webhook 示例: {"destination":"xxxxxxxxxx","events":[{"replyToken":"0f3779fba3b3...
Send a message to the associated user ID. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription to to string user id type type string LINE message types Text Type text string hello world Sticker Type packageId string Ex:446 Sticker Type stickerId string Ex:1988 Image Type originalContent...
DeleteMessage DeleteParameter DeletePerspective DeleteProperty DeleteQuery DeleteRelationship DeleteStep DeleteTable DeleteTableColumn DeleteTableRow DeleteTag DeleteTaskList DeleteTranslation DeleteVariables DeleteWatch DeleteWorkflow 相依性 DependancyGraph DependancyGraphAncestor DependencyMatrix DependencyWarning DeployData...
To use the Receipt Helper, send a picture of your receipt to the LINE bot. The bot will process the image, extract the data, and provide a JSON representation of the receipt. For text-based commands or queries, simply send the command or query as a message to the bot. ...
NamedImage NamedImagesCollection Point3D PointSortOrder PolygonAnnotation PolylineAnnotation PrintingManager RectangleAnnotation ScrollBarButtonStyles ScrollBarButtonType ScrollBarEventArgs ScrollType SerializationContents SerializationFormat 系列 SeriesChartType
How to screenshot and save an image of a form. How to securely store a connection string in a WinForms application in app.config? how to see which process is using(locking) a file how to send a SMS text message using VB How to send a tare command to a weighing scale through rs 23...
Create an SQS queue in your primary AWS region. Use ‘Standard’ queue because of its high throughput and Lambda will handle any message de-duplication. Ensure each machine running an RCS instance has an IAM role assigned to it that has an IAM policy which includes IAM access tosqs:Sen...
Specifies which AWS Region to send this command's AWS request to. For a list of all of the Regions that you can specify, see AWS Regions and Endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.--versionA Boolean switch that displays the current version of the AWS CLI program that is ...