How to answer this task? Introduce the line graph. Write what it illustrates. Give an overview. Briefly summarize what happens on the graph. Apart from obvious trends, see some less noticeable features. Where did the graph rise/decline sharply and where slowly? What is the difference between ...
line graph new IELTSAcademicWriting–Task1 linegraph Describinglinegraphs(singlelinegraph)特点:只有一根曲线,但曲线的变化比较复杂。解题要点:跟随横轴的延伸,阐述纵轴的变化,在写作时,可以按照曲线持续上升、下降、平衡上升、上升下降、把曲线分成好几个区间或阶段分别进行描述。Describinglinegraphs(doublelinegraph...
IELTS Academic writing task 1 - Line GraphA line graph (also known as line chart) is a graphical presentation of data that changes over time. It uses line segments to connect data points and shows changes in data. The X and Y axis are used to denote the changes in the data. Within ...
Free IELTS Model Answers for Academic and General Writing tasks Free IELTS Exam Day Cheat Sheet Tutorials on Essay Writing How to identify the main topic and all parts of the IELTS writing task essay? How to brainstorm and organise ideas for writing task 2? Finally, if ...
I know that's not academic language, but it's the truth!" Linda, from Italy, Scored Band 7.5 site searchbyfreefindadvanced Follow @ieltsbuddy Bargain eBook Deal! 30% Discount All 4 Writing eBooks for just$25.86 Find out more >> IELTS Modules: Other Resources:...
Home»IELTS academic task 1»Line Graph Sample Essay Line graphs come up often in IELTS writing part 1. We will show you how to confidently answer questions about line graphs, helping you practice summarising the data and identifying trends. ...
With the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Topic: Different sources of air pollutants - Line Graph, it will be beneficial to get familiarised with the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 structure.
Filed Under:IELTS Writing Task 1Tagged With:line graph,model task 1 Improving IELTS Writing Task 1 Introduction byLiz22 Comments This lesson focuses on improving your IELTS writing task 1 introduction for the academic paper. To write an introduction you must paraphrase and re-write the information...
Often in the IELTS academic task one you are given two graphs or charts rather than one, which means you have to select the information carefully as you may have more to write about than if you were presented with just one. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. ...
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Topic 38: Paris Metro station passengers – Line Graph IELTS Line Graph questions based on themes like Paris Metro station passengers are one of the significant components of the Academic Writing section. In this question, you are required to prepare a report of at...