On Wednesday, the 70-year-old actor channeled his “The Princess Bride” character Inigo Montoya while standing on the picket line in New York in support of striking writers.Read More: Shonda Rhimes Shares Support For WGA: ‘I’m A Writer On Strike’Writers Guild of America strikers were ...
CELEBRATES 20 YEARS WITH A BOLD LINEUP OF TRULY INDEPENDENT FILMS The unstoppable festival, for two decades a champion of independent filmmakers, takes over the TCL Chinese Theaters June 1-11 with 74 world premieres, 36 west coast premieres, and opening and closing night films from DWF alumni....
The latest from Alonso Ruizpalacios (GÜEROS, MUSEO) is a breathless, immersive, on-the-job and behind-the-scenes look at the life of Mexico City cops Teresa and Montoya, who are partners both in the squad car and at home in bed. But midway through the ...