Define verse line. verse line synonyms, verse line pronunciation, verse line translation, English dictionary definition of verse line. Noun 1. verse line - a line of metrical text verse poem, verse form - a composition written in metrical feet forming rh
Ginsberg: A breath unit as a measure of the verse line? Why, a breath unit as a measure of the verse line is one breath, and then continuing with the sentence is another breath. Allan Ginsberg: an interview by Gary Pacernick The otherworldly, ecstatic atmosphere of the early lyrics cleare...
:a unit in the rhythmic structure of verse formed by the grouping of a number of the smallest units of the rhythm (such as metrical feet) The poem consisted of 14lines. (3) :a distinct segment of a computer program containing a single command or a small number of commands ...
verse linephr. 诗行 in verse以诗体,用诗歌 vice verse反过来…又 blank verse无韵诗,自由诗 free versen.(不受格律约束的)自由诗体 chant verse唱诗,吟诗 vise verse反过来也一样 saturnian versen.古代拉丁诗体 compose verse作诗,写诗 相似单词 versen.[C] 1.诗句,诗行;诗节 2.诗;诗体;韵文 3.(基督教...
Define line of poetry. line of poetry synonyms, line of poetry pronunciation, line of poetry translation, English dictionary definition of line of poetry. Noun 1. line of poetry - a single line of words in a poem line of verse acatalectic - a line of ver
verse linephr. 诗行 in verse以诗体,用诗歌 vice verse反过来…又 blank verse无韵诗,自由诗 free versen.(不受格律约束的)自由诗体 chant verse唱诗,吟诗 vise verse反过来也一样 saturnian versen.古代拉丁诗体 compose verse作诗,写诗 相似单词 versen.[C] 1.诗句,诗行;诗节 2.诗;诗体;韵文 3.(基督教...
The meaning of LINE is a length of cord or cord-like material. How to use line in a sentence.
7.3 韵律和诗行(Metre and the Line of Verse) 在过去的6个世纪已经占据英语韵律学主导地位的这种韵律,严格讲就是众所周知的“重音的音节(accentual syllabic)”;即,它是在音节数量和重读音节上都具有规律性的一种模式。它区别于Anglo-Saxon诗歌的纯粹意义上的“音节韵律(syllabic metre)”(其音节数量,而不是...
students on an Alpine train. Sponsorship of the program by the British Council; Author's work as a poet in Great Britain; Educational and literary advantages and disadvantages of poets doing workshops on trains; Views from the train; Reactions of students; Quality of poems created by the ...
a verse of poetry: A line in iambic pentameter contains five feet. Usuallylines.the words of an actor's part in a drama, musical comedy, etc.: to rehearse one's lines. a short written message: Drop me a line when you're on vacation. ...