The system identifier of telephone calls to line busy in call in the sphereNELIO JOSE NICOLAISUAREZ VICTOR HOGO QUIROZ
line meaning, definition, what is line: a long thin mark on a piece of paper, th...: Learn more.
A handle to the call. dwCallbackInstance The callback instance supplied when opening the call's line. dwParam1 The new call state. This parameter must be one and only one of the following LINECALLSTATE_ constants. Expand table dwParam1Meaning LINECALLSTATE_BUSY dwParam2 contains detai...
I hope all is well. I wanted to gently check in as I haven’t heard back from you regarding [proposal, product, service] we discussed. I understand you’re busy, and priorities can shift quickly. If you’ve had a chance to consider our [proposal/product/service] and have any questions...
A handle to the call. dwCallbackInstance The callback instance supplied when opening the call's line. dwParam1 The new call state. This parameter must be one and only one of the following LINECALLSTATE_ constants. Expand table dwParam1Meaning LINECALLSTATE_BUSY dwParam2 contains detai...
busy time, the switchboard might receive five requests for connections. With two lines, it can only provide calls for two customers, putting the rest on hold. If the Danes are particularly chatty, these calls could last an hour, meaning that more calls will arrive in the meantime, and the... LINEBUSYMODE_Constants LINECALLCOMPLCOND_Constants LINECALLCOMPLMODE_Constants LINECALLFEATURE_Constants LINECALLFEATURE2_Constants LINECALLHUBTRACKING_Constants LINECALLINFOSTATE_Constants LINECALLORIGIN_...
2. To communicate with, as by telephone: tried to get hold of you but the line was busy. 3. To gain control of. Often used reflexively: You must get hold of yourself! hold a candle to To compare favorably with: This film doesn't hold a candle to his previous ones. hold/keep (on...
(e.g.Integerfor:int). Formultiple-argument parameters, the value can be one of:ints,:integers,:strings,:doubles,:floats,:iosor:dates. If unset, the default argument type is:flag, meaning that the argument does not take a parameter. The specification of:typeis not necessary if a:default...
The following command sets the system to send a test call-home messageTest_Message_1to the profile namedProfile1. call-home test message Test_Message_1 profile Profile1 card busy-out Moves processes from the source packet processing card to the destination packet processi...