Unfortunately, I could not get either method to work for links opened in the Android Outlook App - Char(13) is simply ignored, and "%0D%0A" breaks the entire mailto link, with only the body showing (up to the first line break), and not showing the subject or recipient... I'm won...
Unfortunately, I could not get either method to work for links opened in the Android Outlook App - Char(13) is simply ignored, and "%0D%0A" breaks the entire mailto link, with only the body showing (up to the first line break), and not showing the subject or recipient... I'm won...
Unfortunately, I could not get either method to work for links opened in the Android Outlook App - Char(13) is simply ignored, and "%0D%0A" breaks the entire mailto link, with only the body showing (up to the first line break), and not showing the subject or recipient... I'm won...
Unfortunately, I could not get either method to work for links opened in the Android Outlook App - Char(13) is simply ignored, and "%0D%0A" breaks the entire mailto link, with only the body showing (up to the first line break), and not showing the subject or recipient... I'm won...