% number for each line in the function % Usage: addLineNumbers('myfun.m') copyfile(filename, 'mytemp.m', 'f') fid1 = fopen(filename); fid2 = fopen('mytemp.m', 'w'); i=1; while 1 tline = fgetl(fid1); if ~ischar(...
Respuesta aceptada: Sainath Varikuti I am using Report Generator 3.15 (R2013b) and I added some text under my system snapshots in a paragraph (and tried text as well). How do I perform a line break in this text so I can see it in the generated PDF file? 0 comentario...
if ischar(tline)是判断tline变量是否是字符串类型的变量,而break是跳出最近的一层循环,控制程序执行包含break的最内层循环后的第一条语句。而end是MATLAB中for循环,while循环,if条件语句的结束标志,类似于其他语言(如C/C++)中的花括号之类的。不知道我又没有回答到你的问题。
Volatile关键字 首先上代码,改代码运行的结果为 为什么会出现死循环呢,一般来说我们的理解是,我们创建ThreadDemo线程并运行的时候,线程会将我们的flag改成ture,然后while循环中等flag修改成ture了以后,执行输出并break,但是现在是卡住不输出了。原因是多线程中共享数据是不可见的,当我们多个线程访问共享同一个数据的时候...
Depending on the program (notepad, wordpad, MSWord, etc.) the new lines are interpreted differently. If \n is not working, try \n\r or \r\n. One of those should work.
A rule of thumb I learned was to put a line break wherever necessary to ensure I could read the entire line of code without using a horizontal scroll bar. Indentation and alignment for continuation When inserting line breaks, it is essential to maintain the correct indentation in the line. ...
For the data it is a 46 MB file whereas the data in Matlabcentral must have a maximum of 5 MB. See Also MATLAB Answers how harmonic estimation using DFT ? 1 Answer I have a transfer function, I attack it by unit step, impultion dirac and sin wave....
% Break line into segments x = x(:); % Force col vectors y = y(:); % Force col vectors xseg = [x(1:end-1),x(2:end)]; yseg = [y(1:end-1),y(2:end)]; % Set up animation clf() hold on % important xlim([-8 8]) ylim([-1 1]...
instead? It allows you to create a cell array of strings (in your case song titles) which is then displayed in a dialog that the user can select from