No entertainment, boring and very substandard food. The room was ok but not clean. I booked for all inclusive and still got charged for drinks. Agoda realised the error and reimbursed me. No support from Cruise Co Grayline apart from “taking information under advisement!”. Never will use...
And the truth is that Belize City is pretty boring. Aaron was a very good tour guide. He dutifully and enthusiastically pointed out the city sights as he drove me and the other 2 folks on the tour around, but honestly there’s nothing that’s of any real ...
"Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong. Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on...
By BARBARA WADE' LIIDDLE-AOEDADMAN with boringmarriage meets liberaled young woman at ad confer- ence. has first fling. After scveml dis- appointments in home life and cateet. ad mm arranges to relive the past with flingee in England. Finds out nostalgia isn't what it used to be. ...
Four years ago we listened tothe tax proponents tell us how lousy Tulsa was-- stagnant, boring, dying. They told us if we gave them half a billion dollars they'd make it all better. Voters bought what they were selling. So how can they keep claiming that Tulsa is stagnant, boring, ...
With the increased availability & speed of broadband connections, mobile phone usage & various (addictive) networking websites, has you & your family's early morning routine changed? I recently heard an excellent speaker call "sleep" - 'network deprivation' & it really got me thinking…...