Programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1) inhibitors plus chemotherapy have been the standard of care in the first-line treatment of advanced gastric or gastroesophageal junction (G/GEJ) adenocarcinoma; however, the survival benefits are modest in patients with low programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1)...
d, Cell lines with higher levels of RPP25 methylation show decreased RPP25 mRNA expression (Pearson’s r = −0.79, n = 834 cell lines; P < 2.2 × 10−16). e, Comparison of Achilles RNAi RPP25 gene dependency scores for cell lines with and without truncating mutation or copy number...
Functional analysis of the Asian soybean rust resistance pathway mediated by Rpp2. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 2011, 24, 194–206. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Chaney, R.L.; Coulombe, B.A.; Bell, P.F.; Angle, J.S. Detailed method to screen dicot cultivars for resistance to Fe-...
The air conditioner was used to maintain the inside temperature of the machine cabinet atEEannpeerprggirieeoss2x200i1m188,,a11t11e,,xlxyFFOO2R0RPP◦EECEER.RTRREhEVeVIIEsEWtWorage cell could provide power for the FT-IR spectrometer 4a4noofdf1144the ppviaactnhonrioredeatocscseemaatocscswhwu...
FFigiguurere99shshoowwssththeeppoosistiitviveeaannddnnegegaatitviveezzeeroro-s-esqequueenncceecocommppoonneenntstsaannddththeeirirpphhaaseseaanngglele wwaavveefoformrmsswwhheennpphhaasseeAAwwaassggrorouunnddeedd. .AAccccoorrddininggtotoFFigiguurree99aa, ,wwhheennththeepphhaasseeAAggrorouunn...
PIIennrfttohhreemppanrreecvveiiCooouumss peeaxxrppiseeorrniimmoefennAttssss,,ettmhhbiisslyssttSuuyddstyyemaassssswuummitheeddInttthheraamtt ttehhdeeiarrteeewwBuaafssfennroos iinn--bbeettwweeeenn bbuuffffeerr.. NNeexxtt,, tthhiiss ssttuuddyyIneexxthaaemmpiinnreevddioaaunnseeewwxpsstterr...
iitt iiss cclleeaarr tthhaatt tthhee kkeeyy ttoo ddeetteerrmmiinniinngg tthhee ooppttiimmaall wwaannddeerriinngg ppaatthh iitsshettoosemmleiicnntiiemmdiizzveeecwtwo((rPP)in)=ea1m1cm≤hkakax≤NsxtN|e|upˆuˆkke||n..sTTuooreaasccthhhiiaeetvveethttehhiicssuoorrbbejjnee...
Author Contributions: Botong Li put forward the research direction, organized the research activities, provided theory guidance, and completed the revision of the article. Tianfeng Gu completed the principle analysis and the method design, provided the results of the simulation, and drafted the ...
Author Contributions: Weidong Pan and Changhu Lin conceived and designed the research; Yazhou Liu designed the experiments; Yazhou Liu and Lan Huang performed the chemical experiments; Bin Xia, Junjie Lan and Chao Chen performed the biological test; Bin Xia, Huayong Lou, Shengcao Hu and Xueyi...