Our Lindt Excellence Intense Dark 100% chocolate bar is a rich, luxurious treat made with the finest ingredients. Find out more!
Indulge in Lindt Dark Chocolate, crafted by experts to balance rich cocoa and unique flavors. Explore our diverse range today.
经证实后,未加工可可粉与黑巧克力对人体有益,能保护‘低密度脂蛋白’不被氧化。 现在我们来详细剖析一下黑巧克力(Dark chocolate):硬度较大,微苦。 含量:一般指可可固形物含量介于70%到99%之间,或乳质含量少于12%的巧克力。 组成:可可粉、可可脂、少量糖。 可可固形物指的就是可可粉/可可块。因为各路商家经...
Lindt Excellence Dark Coconut Chocolate is a bar of rich, luxurious chocolate made with the finest ingredients by our Master Chocolatiers. The perfect blend of smooth dark chocolate with high cocoa content combines caramelised flakes of coconut and a profound gourmet taste to create an experience ...
A luxury dark chocolate bar with tender pieces of orange and slivers of almondExperience a treat for the senses with exceptionally rich yet thin chocolate bar that melts on the tongueIntensity the taste and enjoy with tea, coffee or Prosecco. The perfect luxury treat or gift for sharing with ...
商品名称:瑞士莲(Lindt)dark chocolate瑞士莲草莓薄荷海盐夹心巧克力零食 瑞士黑巧克力 盒装 100g 85% cocoa可可黑巧 商品编号:10109271439134 店铺:广利亚休闲零食店 货号:10079133779363-g 是否含有代可可脂:含代可可脂 包装形式:散装 国产/进口:进口 更多参数>> ...
🍫Lindt raspberry:甜,写着dark chocolate但实际上有40%+的糖,带点raspberry的酸,挺甜的。不会考虑回购。🍫Lindt raspberry%:和上面一样,带了一点坚果而已。不会回购。🍫Lindt chili:和上面两板一样,都很甜,感觉像是在吃milk chocolate。买它肯定是为了整活嘛想试试辣椒味巧克力。但不够有意思,只有最后...
Lindt瑞士莲Excellence Intense Mint Dark Chocolate Bar特级排装薄荷香味黑巧克力,作为一款备受推崇的零食,其独特的风味和清新的薄荷香气,让人难以抵挡。每一口都充满了浓郁的可可香味,同时夹杂着淡淡的薄荷气息,带来了前所未有的味觉体验。这款黑巧克力精选高品质可可豆,通过精湛的制作工艺,确保每一粒...
£3.00/100g Product Description Swiss dark chocolate with extract of chilli pepper Experience Excellence with our Master Chocolatiers exquisite Lindt Excellence Dark Chilli Bar. Discover the rich intensity of the finest cocoa, combined with a touch of chilli, expertly crafted into a decadent dark ...
Swiss dark chocolate with caramelized almonds and orange preparation 100g Price CHF8.00 Add to cart Excellence - Dark raspberry... Dark Swiss chocolate with caramelized hazelnuts and a raspberry preparation 100g Price CHF8.00 Add to cart Grand plaisir caramel... Dark Swiss chocolate with cara...