“He has devoted his entire life to public service for the people of Delaware and the United States, and I wish him and his family well as this chapter in his life comes to an end.” Graham worked closely with Biden, especially on foreign policy matters, through...
“So I’ve seen this movie before, folks. I remember the Kavanaugh storyline really well,” Graham claimed. “The hearing’s over, does a great job. All of a sudden I’ve got this letter. I want to share it with the committee. Well it w...
To paraphrase Ann Graham Lotz, “It’s painful to watch a Christian who has a saved soul, but is living a wasted, [unattended] life.” Press on [the pedal], my dear friend! Terri Brady Related Posts Tending to Forgive (Unattended Vehicles: Part 2) Orange Signs of Protection Climb the...
Do you remember someone who brought out the sun in your parade called life? I remember what I considered, “messing up” a reading at church during the Christmas program when I was ten. Afterward, the minister’s wife came to me (as if she hadn’t even heard my error) and said, “...