Chung-Kwong YuenDBLPInternational Journal of High Speed ComputingImplementing Linda tuplespace on a distributed system - Feng, Gao, et al. - 1995Feng M D,Gao Y Q,Yuen C K. Implementing Linda tuplespace on a distributed system[J]. International Jour- nal of High Speed Computing,1995,7(1)... | 2 +- .../ | 2 +- .../ | 2 +- .../ | 2 +- | 8 ++-- .../User-Interface-Help/ | 2 +- .../datetime-object-...
CHUNGDepartmentKWONGDepartmentYUENDepartmentMINGDepartmentDONGDepartmentFENGDepartmentYAODepartmentQINGDepartmentGAODepartmentWorldscientificInternational Journal of High Speed ComputingImplementing Linda tuplespace on a distributed system - Feng, Gao, et al. - 1995...