open Monday through Friday: 9 am to 5 pm. Hours are extended to accommodate the needs of specific events. For ticket information, call 215.463.5500 or via email attickets@LincolnFinancialField.comor visit ourtickets page. To purchase tickets please call Ticketmaster at 800.745...
On June 3, 2002, Lincoln Financial Group proudly announced a major new partnership with the Philadelphia Eagles Football Team to name its new state-of-the-art 66,000-seat stadium Lincoln Financial Field. Lincoln Financial Field is currently under construction and is destined to become the ...
the Eagles reserve the right to relocate patrons with service animals to the closest accessible seating area. We strongly urge patrons who plan to bring a service animal to a Lincoln Financial Field event to contact the Lincoln Financial Field ticket office at 215-463-5500 as soon ...
East Midlands Trains has completed a refurbishment of the ticket office at Lincoln station, giving passengers a larger, brighter area in which to make transactions. The facility was opened by Lincoln MP Karl McCartney on April 4. The station also now has free wi-fi on the concourse and platfo...
Financial Field financial irregularities financial losses financial mismanagement financial plans financial results financial services financial support financial technology financial year financing findings fine Fine Solutions Finland Fiorentina fire fired first concept First Direct Arena First direct bank first even...
Corrigan rushes over to Ford’s Theatre and enters the lobby, but the box office is closed. After a few knocks, a ticket taker opens it up but tells Corrigan he can’t do anything but sell him a ticket. Instinctively, Corrigan buys a ticket while asking to see Mr. Ford, the manager...
In reality, the oil business had been a financial loss to the actor, and his real interest during this period was working on his plot to abduct President Lincoln. So, in a way, the oil business became a cover for Booth’s real plot, but not in the way the series implies. 6. ...
and I intend to live out the rest of my life more intentionally to honor all of you and others that have so generously reached out to me with their caring concerns, well wishes, financial gifts, and continual prayers. I will be forever grateful and thank each one of you from the depths...
Lincoln Park was the BIG field trip from grammar school in the late 1970’s. First it took 90 mintues+ from Dorchester to get there. Secondly, it was further from home than most of us had ever been. I remember at least 5 trips there, 2 with St. Mark’s in Dorchester and 2 with...
Selling tickets on Lincoln Financial Field property is illegal, but street vendors may try to sell you tickets on your way to the stadium. Even though these tickets may look like the Ticketmaster stock or E-Tickets you are familiar with, they may be counterfeit. Do your research. When purcha...