The results obtained show that basement membrane matrix is more effective for Lin− cell proliferation in vitro. However, type I collagen matrix better enhances the re-epithelization process, that depends on the cell migratory properties. These studies are important for preparing cells to be used...
5) bone marrw myeloma cell 骨髓骨髓瘤细胞 6) marrow sauce 骨髓酱 参考词条 骨髓活检骨髓涂片骨髓液骨髓检查骨髓检验骨髓穿刺骨髓动员骨髓供者骨髓移植骨髓瘤喷管出口锥压力套管 补充资料:骨髓瘤细胞 分子式: CAS号: 性质:一种癌变的浆细胞,又称多发性骨髓瘤细胞。可自发或诱发形成。常用的人工诱发因子是矿物油...
Lin即系相关性膜标志,Krause等[9]实验证实,纯化的Lin-细胞可分化为肝细胞。本实验运用免疫磁珠(magnetic activated cell sorting MACS系统)法分离纯化BMDLSC中的Thy 1.2+lin-细胞,为进一步体外扩增等后续研究作准备。 1 材料与方法 1.1.1 实验动物 6~8周龄的SPF级纯系BALB/C雄性小鼠10只,重18~20?g,购于中...
所以突变掉lin-4后,lin-14会增加,Lin-14蛋白的大量富集会使得成年线虫长出幼嫩的皮肤。 于文强表示,早期,Victor Ambros以为lin-4是某种蛋白质,结果这种具有调控功能的分子竟是一种只有21个碱基的RNA分子,这让他感到非常意外,这个研究发表在了著名的Cell杂志上。这一发现开拓了科学家们对细胞内非编码RNA也就是不参...
Homing and engraftment potential of Sca-1+lin− cells fractionated on the basis of adhesion molecule expression and position in cell cycle Srour, "Homing and engraftment potential of Sca-1+Lin- cells fractionated on the basis of adhesion molecule expression and position in cell cycle", Blood.....
PCNA (phospho Y211); p-PCNA (phospho Y211); PCNA(Tyr211); PCNA; Cyclin; DNA polymerase delta auxiliary protein; HGCN8729; MGC8367; Mutagen-sensitive 209 protein; Pcna/cyclin; PCNAR; Polymerase delta accessory protein; Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen; PCNA_HUMAN. 性 状 Lyophilized powde...
1993年,安博斯和鲁夫昆(Gary Ruvkun)在Cell杂志上背靠背发表了他们对于lin-4(第一个miRNA)的研究成果。安博斯发现lin-4在线虫中存在(Lee et al., 1993),而鲁夫昆证实该miRNA通过与靶基因(lin-14)信使RNA结合抑制其翻译的调控机制(Wightman et al., 1993)。
Haisheng Yu, et al. Protein Cell. 2015 Apr;6(4):297-306. 2. 间充质干细胞的Lin:CD45, CD34, CD14 or CD11b, CD79a or CD19, and HLA-DR中至少选3-4个标记 参考如下: The ISCT has proposed a minimal set of three standard criteria to be used as the uniform definition of multipotent ...
Lineage tracing technology using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing has enabled simultaneous readouts of gene expressions and lineage barcodes in single cells, which allows for inference of cell lineage and cell types at the whole organism level. While most state-of-the-art methods for lineage reconstruction...
Yeh, K. W., Lin, M. I., Tuan, S. J., Chen, Y. M., Lin, C. J., and Kao, S. S. Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) trypsin inhibitors expressed in transgenic tobacco plants confers resistance against Spodoptera litura. Plant Cell Rept ...