YorLife / git-tips youandworld / git-tips YoungHubber / git-tips youngshuohao / git-tips youngyangyang04 / git-tips youyoulion / git-tips Yqoo / git-tips yszhao2016 / git-tips yuan561 / git-tips yuan840359728 / git-tips yuanlin-L / git-tips ...
Zheng Xiyu is one of them.She has been trying to reduce her carbon footprint.Every morning,she takes a bus to her office and it takes her about 40 minutes.But Zheng has been thinking of changing this.She wants to try a different means (方式) of transport--cy...
But some of the problems that later diminish the film dramatically are already present: criss-crossing between the father on the space station and the son on Earth, and the former’s eventual decision to risk his life to save the latter. Though the personal story is established early on, ...
(覺澄), who did not participate in them. Throughout his life, Huaixian was torn between entering and leaving the world. For example, “Huaixian was invited ten times to become abbot, and four times he complied with the arrangement, going to the most famous mountains and temples in the ...