Limiting factors are factors or variables in an environment that has the capacity to limit the growth, distribution, or abundance of a population in an ecosystem. Conversely, factors that do not limit or restrict the growth, abundance, or distribution of populations or species are referred to as...
In an experiment, what is the factor that is tested? What are the limitations of historical sciences? What is input force? What is an example of absolute threshold? Which factors speed up and slow down erythropoiesis? What is adaptive ecosystem management? What is the mechanism of action of ...
Hydrodynamics As A Limiting Factor in the Development of the Baltic Sea EcosystemDifferent examples of the influence of dynamics on the development of an ecosystem, on the basis of the Baltic Sea, are considered. Characteristic features and scales of the variability of the Baltic Sea waters are ...
Bernacchi CJ, Bagley JE, Serbin SP, Ruiz-Vera UM, Rosenthal DM (2013) Modelling C3 photosynthesis from the chloroplast to the ecosystem. Plant Cell Environ 36:1641–1657. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Berry JA (1975) Adaptation of photosynthetic proces...
Another important factor is the uncertainty between exposure/impact models. Such uncertainties can be large, as currently being explored by the ISIMIP model comparison exercise (Warszawski et al. 2014). Sensitivity studies exploring these issues would be of interest, but were beyond the scope of...
S. (2000). Hydrodynamics as a limiting factor in the Lake Baikal ecosystem. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 3: 203–210Verkhozina VA,Kozhova OM,Kusner YuS. Hydrodynamics as a limiting factor in the Lake Baikal ecosystem[J].Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management,2000.203-210....
2012. Possible nutrient limiting factor in long term operation of closed aquatic ecosystem, Advances in Space Research 49:841-849.Z.J. Hao, Y.H. Li, W.K. Cai, P.P. Wu, Y.D. Liu, G.H. Wang, Possible nutrient limiting factor in long term operation of closed aquatic ecosystem, Adv...
In this context, organic farming is also viewed as an effective tool for revitalizing economic activity in rural areas at risk of depopulation. In this sense, organic agriculture is a holistic production management system which promotes and enhances agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, ...
Although nutrients are a major factor limiting or regulating growth, numerous biotic and abiotic factors can exert stress situations that result in the activation or inhibition of microbial growth, showing differential effects among distinct microbial species. Biotic factors could include, for example, ...