Switch游戏今天13:17 来自微博weibo.com LimitedRunGames即将发行NS实体版的游戏汇总。注:以下均为实体版发售日及预购日。《香缇》,9月开启预购。《香缇:芮丝琪的复仇 导演剪辑版》,秋季发售。《木乃伊降质》,7月31日开启预购。《Xtreme Sports》,10月开启预购。
Limited Run Games 公开《P4G》NS/PS4/Xbox美版实体卡带详情,分为普通版、魔法书版和深夜频道版,售价分别为34.99美元/69.99美元/199.99美元。商品将于10月27日~12月10日期间开放预订,游戏全区支持中文。 魔法...
Limited Run Games在今天(1月1日)推出了PS4/PSV/Switch游戏“盲盒”(Blind Box),该盲盒内包含其发行的各平台实体版本游戏中的随机一款。以Switch平台为例,就包括《燧石之钩(Flinthook)》、《佣兵之王(Mercenary Kings)》、《暴走甲虫(Thumper)》等作。 虽然如今数字版游戏销量占比日益增多,但是大部分玩家还是喜欢...
The full list of announced games is as follows:Atari Flashback Classics (Vita) Atooi Collection (3DS) Bad North (Switch) Blaster Master Zero (Switch) Blazing Chrome (Switch, PS4) Corpse Killer (PS4) The Curse of Monkey Island™ (PC) Damascus Gear Operation Osaka (Vita) ...
谁知道limited..这个十月下旬才发货但是那个时候我在国内,limited game邮寄走的是亚马逊,但是亚马逊有的时候走不了中国我也不清楚细节,平常我都是邮到澳大利亚也不清楚国内能不能行,有人知道吗?
Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony is on a region-free physical cart for the Nintendo Switch. This is an open pre-order for a limited time. PRE-ORDERS CLOSE ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2023 AT 11:59 PM EASTERN TIME. Koumajou Remilia: Scarlet Symphony has be
Here's a list of all our released titles for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch. Our releases are available online at Playasia and selected shops in Southeast Asia. If you are a developer and would like to work with us,pitch us your game. Show All Show Switch Show PS5...
Transistor on physical cartridge for the Nintendo Switch. Region free. This is an open pre-order for a limited time! This release includes a cover with interior art and a full-color booklet. Best Buy will be receiving a small amount of this game with a d
经销商Limited Run Games宣布,将为移植到任天堂Switch平台的经典动作游戏《星球大战:原力释放》推出三种实体套装,分别为标准(Standard)、高级(Premium)和大师(Master)…
Valis saga, again. The origin of beautiful girl action is back on Nintendo Switch! The side-scrolling bishojo action game series "Valis", which was first released in the 80s and gained popularity, celebrated its 35th anniversary in December 2021. ...