Not pedantic! But in my mind the reckless implication of what I wrote was "...that LucasArts had anything to do with." In the Atari days, Lucasfilm Games wasn't even publishing the S...
Jay and Silent Bob fans are in for a treat next week, with Limited Run Games announcing the 8-bit companion brawlerJay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawlis receiving a Limited Run for the NES, on 6th September. Snooch to the nooch! Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl, the 8-bit ...
Modern CPUs run at GHz speed. Intel 8086 - Wikipedia Click to expand... Hey, thanks for the answer, I still have a few questions. I have done everything you said but I don't quite understand about the C States. I'm attaching a screenshot of my C States ...
Swiss (tournament): A system for pairing up tournament participants that pits people with similar win-loss ratios against each other. Used in pretty much all Magic tournaments.Read moreon Wikipedia. Tabling: A card tables in a draft when you pass on it and it comes back to you after every...
( There are different ways that you can get involved. You can contact your local Council to see if they have any programs available where you can participate, or you can check out some other organisations like: Australian Citizen Science ...
(证书上为俄语) 分享回复赞 真实赛车3吧 leizai6587 (科普贴)Mercedes-Benz CLK LM简介来自Wikipedia。 科普的目的: 1.火猴最近出的车感觉都挺不错的,所以科普一下,让大家都能够边玩游戏边了解这些车的历史,相信游戏体验会更好。 2.科普的同时,自己也能顺便了解,从中受益。 还是希望吧里的大神指点。 以下是...
“ET WEB_SERVER Possible SQL Injection Attempt DELETE FROM”; flow:established,to_server; uricontent:“DELETE”; nocase; uricontent:“FROM”; nocase; pcre:“/DELETE.+FROM/Ui”; classtype:web-application-attack; reference:url,; reference:url,doc.emerging...