The Abuse of Limited Liability in Corporations: Theories and Remedies(none)Jacopo Busnach Ravenna
一般将“有限责任公司”翻为limited liability company,是没有更好的处理方式了,但是要明白,我国的有限责任公司和美国的LLC是不同的,比英国的limited liability company狭义。 【“股份有限公司”是否可以翻为company limited by shares?】 上文已经提到在英国法下,company limited by shares是limited liability company...
此外,还有如domestic, foreign, alien corporations等根据不同注册地和经营地划分,以及专业性质的professional corporation(如PA/PC后缀,受州法规限制)。Subchapter S corporation则是在州内运营,享有税收优惠的特定类型。英国公司的精致分类</在英国,company是主要分类,进一步分为unlimited company和limite...
LLC(Limited Liability Company ) 【英国公司分类和后缀】 英国公司用company,根据英国公司法(Companies Act 2006),英国公司可以按以下两种方式划分。 1、按所有者承担的是有限责任还是无限责任划分: (1)unlimited company (2)limited company(即limited liability company) ...
Shareholder Liability in Corporations and Limited Liability Companies In a corporation or limited liability company (LLC), a shareholder is not personally liable for any of the debts of the company, other than for the amount already invested in the company and for any unpaid amount on the shares...
(redirected fromLimited liability companies) Thesaurus Legal Financial Related to Limited liability companies:partnership limited company n.Abbr.Ltd. A British or Canadian company in which the liability of shareholders is limited to the amount of their investment. ...
Article 16 Wholesalers of gasoline and diesel oil must belimited liabilitycorporations.───第16条经营汽、柴油批发业业务者,以股份有限公司为限. Most of Sandler's partners enjoylimited liability, for instance.───例如桑德勒的大部分合作者们都享有有限的责任。
CannotbeCcorporations,otherScorporations,limitedliabilitycompanies(LLCs),partnershipsorcertaintrusts. 拥有人(股东)不可是其他法定公司、有限责任公司、合伙公司或信托 3. Article11 TICsshallbeestablishedin theformoflimitedliabilitycompaniesorshare-holdingcompanies. ...
* Subchapter S Corporations:这类公司只能在成立的州经营,且其股东不能是非美国居民、不能超过35人,最大的好处就是可以像合伙企业一样交税。 Limited Liability Company (LLC)是一种特殊的公司实体,是公司和合伙企业的混合体,和LLP有点相似。LLC所有人叫“member”,像公司一样具有有限责任,同时像合伙企业一样不缴...
Whilelimited liability separates and protects personal assetsfrom business assets. Some countries allow the creation ofunlimited liability corporations, which means that the shareholder or partner assumes all liability for the company's success. If the company becomes insolvent, the unlimited liability part...