A limited liability company, or LLC, can be an attractive way to organize smaller businesses that don't plan to significantly expand. The LLC offers the personal liability protection and fringe benefits of a corporation, but lacks many of the administrative and organizational obligations. Additionally...
Due to this limited liability feature of LLC, it becomes easier for business owners to scale up the business without risking their personal assets. #3: Flexible Management Unlike S or C corporations, LLCs do not need to have a complicated management structure, including a board of directors an...
How do I form a benefit limited liability company? A new company may organize as a BLLC simply by making a designation as such on its articles of organization filed with the Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code. Existing companies may elect to become a BLLC by amending their arti...
此外,还有如domestic, foreign, alien corporations等根据不同注册地和经营地划分,以及专业性质的professional corporation(如PA/PC后缀,受州法规限制)。Subchapter S corporation则是在州内运营,享有税收优惠的特定类型。英国公司的精致分类</在英国,company是主要分类,进一步分为unlimited company和limite...
Benefits of an LLC An LLC provides its members with limited personal liability relating to the company's business debts. It is fairly easy to organize and get up and running. It offers the flexibility to opt for pass-through taxation or to elect corporate taxation (as an S Corporation or ...
business assets. Some countries allow the creation ofunlimited liability corporations, which means that the shareholder or partner assumes all liability for the company's success. If the company becomes insolvent, the unlimited liability partner would be responsible for repaying all debts to creditors....
What are the benefits of an LP or LLP? There are pros and cons of starting a limited partnership or limited liability partnership. Some of the pros are, first and most importantly, limited liability for the limited partners in an LP. These partners can contribute the capital in a partnership...
Corporate Benefits without Corporate Taxation: Limited Liability Company and Limited Partnership Solutions to the Choice of Entity DilemmaNew businesses faced with the task of selecting the most appropriate form of business organization are often presented with a dilemma. Corporations have served the needs...
摘要: Corporations, other limited liability entities and partnerships : statutory supplement for Hazen & Markham's corporations and other business enterprises cases and materials by Thomas Lee Hazen, Jerry W. Markham Thomson West, c2005- 2005-2006 ed 2007-2008 ed 2008-2009 ed 20010-2011 ed...
The meaning of LIMITED LIABILITY is liability (as of a stockholder or shipowner) limited by statute or treaty.