一、有限公司(Limited Company) 有限公司是香港最常见的公司注册类型。有限公司的特点是股东的责任有限,即股东只需承担其持有的股份金额的责任。有限公司可以分为私人有限公司(Private Limited Company)和公众有限公司(Public Limited Company)两种形式。 1. 私人有限公司(Private Limited Company) 私人有限公司是最常见的...
有限责任公司是香港最常见的公司类型,也是最受企业和投资者青睐的类型。有限责任公司的特点是股东的责任仅限于其持有的股份金额,不承担公司债务。有限责任公司又分为私人有限责任公司(Private Limited Company)和公共有限责任公司(Public Limited Company)两种。 1. 私人有限责任公司(Private Limited Company) 私人有限责任...
(1)private company:与public company的显著区别就是,private company不能公开发行和公开交易股份。 (2)public company(即public limited company):public company形成的方式有两种,一种是一开始就以public company的方式设立公司,另一种是将private company变更登记(re-register)为public company。至于public company的译...
The main practical difference between these is that a public limited company can offer its shares for sale to the general public, but a private limited company is restricted from doing so.股份有限公司可以向大众出售股份,私人有限公司是被严格限制的 ...
in latin. at writing, schneider electric shares were trading at 146.72 euros. is a limited company private or public? a limited company can be private or public depending on who owns the shares. any member of the public can own the shares of a plc, while a private limited company (...
limited company (redirected fromPrivate limited companies) Thesaurus Legal Financial Related to Private limited companies:Public limited companies limited company n.Abbr.Ltd. A British or Canadian company in which the liability of shareholders is limited to the amount of their investment. ...
Ltd. is a standard abbreviation for "limited," a form of corporate structure available in members of the Commonwealth, including the U.K., Ireland, and Canada. The term appears as a suffix that follows the company name, indicating that it is a private or publiclimited company. ...
Sets up fittings limited company of the automobile triumphantly, it is a private enterprise. 凯立汽车配件有限公司, 是一家私营企业. 来自期刊摘选 24. A joint stock limited company may be established either by sponsorship or public share offer. 股份有限公司的设立,可以采取发起设立或者募集设立的方式....