However, as a limited company director, you can’t claim for any fixed costs. These are things like mortgage interest, rent and council tax bills. You have to pay these costs anyway out of your personal income. You can onlyclaim for the cost of broadband and telephone billsif the contract...
director-of-a-limited-company 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. Have you been a director of a limited company or involved in its management in the last 5 years ? 你在过去5年有没有担任过有限公司的董事,或涉及有限公司的管理?。©...
董事名下在港公司/Director Hong Kong Company 公司-Company: 邁樂分銷營運(香港)有限公司Merrell Distribution Operations (HK) Limited 介紹-Introduce: 查詢該公司現任董事名下在港公司數量及基本資料,最多可為您調查該司10位現任董事資訊。調查時間均基於當前日期。 Inquire about the companies information of ...
本着这信念,K11把活动范围扩展至海外,每年向巴黎时装周推介中国艺术家,与高级时装界及艺术界举足轻重的设计师和艺术家互动交流。同时也不断邀请重量级的国际艺术家参与K11自身举办的艺术项目,使之真正成为一个国际艺术舞台。 ... 查看全部 Director, Government / SOE Business & Capital Partnership35-50k...
Executive director and chairman of strategy and investment management committee of the Company since August 2020, has been appointed as chairman of the board, chairman of nomination committee, chairman of strategic committee and chairman of executive committee of the Company with effect from 29 January...
company- an institution created to conduct business; "he only invests in large well-established companies"; "he started the company in his garage" Britain,Great Britain,U.K.,UK,United Kingdom,United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland- a monarchy in northwestern Europe occupying most...
Competencies and experienceDr. Zeman is the chairman of Lan Kwai Fong group and the Lan Kwai Fong Association in Hong Kong. Dr. Zeman serves as a non-executive chairman of Wynn Macau, Limited, an independent non-executive director of Fosun Tourism Group, Sino Land Company Limited, Tsim Sha ...
2024-09更新 企业注册号: 04736783 成立日期: 2003-04-16 企查查编码: QGB2M61BCC 注册地址: 2nd Floor Atlantic Pavilion, Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4AE 基本信息 企业注册号 04736783 企业名称 MARCH COMPANY DIRECTOR LIMITED 企业状态 Dissolved
A limited company can be "limited by shares" or "limited by guarantee." When limited by shares, a company is owned by one or more shareholders and managed by at least one director. In a limited by guarantee arrangement, a company is owned by one or more guarantors and managed by at l...