Pass-through entities: Partners in a general partnership pay taxes on profits at the personal level. Compare this with corporations, in which profits are doubly taxed—first at the corporate level and then at the owners’ personal level. Usually equal: Partners in a general partnership take on...
A general partner is liable for the partnership's debts and obligations. A limited partner is only liable for their investment. A business partnership is a relationship where two or more parties share a business's profits, losses, and legal duties. For this type of business relationship, a fo...
[Important: The general partner shares the expenses and responsibilities of operating the business and shares in the profits if it is successful.] 具体例句如下,可供参考: 例句1 A general partner may be held personally responsible for the liabilities of the partnership. For example, a patient ...
指在普通合伙〔general partnership〕中的合伙人;也指在有限合伙〔limited partnership〕中完全参与合伙组织的经营管理,分享利益,分担亏损,并以个人财产对合伙组织的全部债务承担责任的合伙人,故与有限合伙人〔limited partner〕相对,后者仅以其出资为限对合伙债务承担责任。 A general partner is one of two or more ...
指在普通合伙〔general partnership〕中的合伙人;也指在有限合伙〔limited partnership〕中完全参与合伙组织的经营管理,分享利益,分担亏损,并以个人财产对合伙组织的全部债务承担责任的合伙人,故与有限合伙人〔limited partner〕相对,后者仅以其出资为限对合伙债务承担责任。
General partner 普通合伙人;无限(责任)合伙人 指在普通合伙〔general partnership〕中的合伙人;也指在有限合伙〔limited partnership〕中完全参与合伙组织的经营管理,分享利益,分担亏损,并以个人财产对合伙组织的全部债务承担责任的合伙人,故与有限合伙人〔limited partner〕相对,后者仅以其出资为限对合伙债务承担责任。
General partnership and limited partnership Generalpartnership Inthecommercialandlegalparlanceofmostcountries,ageneralpartnershiporsimplyapartnership,referstoanassociationofpersonsoranunincorporatedcompanywiththefollowingmajorfeatures: Createdbyagreement,proofofexistenceandestoppel. Formedbytwoormorepersons Theownersareall...
General Partnership (GP) Ageneral partnershipis a partnership between two or more people who share in the profits and liabilities of a company. This can be as informal as a verbal agreement made over coffee or a formalized contractual agreement between partners. There are...
A limited partnership is characterized by one or more partners that are not involved in the day-to-day operations of the business. A general partnership is the more common type of partnership of the two. It refers to a scenario where all partners contrib
Talks about the beginning of a relationship between a limited partnership (LP) and a general partner (GP). What limited partnerships look for in the fund's they invest in; Conventional wisdom about doing business with friends; Key to good relations according to LP and GP.Christopher...