What are the limitations of a multiple-group time-series design? What are the limitations of a nonequivalent control group posttest-only design? What are the limitations of a single-group post-test only design? What are the limitations of a nonequivalent control group pretest/posttest d...
Establish baseline accuracy, false positive and false negative rates. Choose an appropriate recognition confidence threshold to meet your objectives. Determine whether the error distribution is skewed towards specific groups of people. This is likely to be an iterative process with adjustments to sensor ...
CC calculates a ''consensus rate'' between all pairs of samples, defined as the frequency with which a given pair is grouped together in multiple clustering runs, each with a certain degree of permutation either by random initialization or by random sample- or gene-subsampling. The resulting ...
The redundancy present within the musculoskeletal system may offer a non-invasive source of signals for movement augmentation, where the set of muscle activations that do not produce force/torque (muscle-to-force null-space) could be controlled simultaneously to the natural limbs. Here, we investiga...
if the purpose of the system is convenience and efficiency and not security, some false positives may be acceptable to the system provider. In this case, false negatives are usually minimized, while most errors will be the...
Detection of multiple wavelengths: A PDA detector can monitor a sample at more than one wavelength. This is especially useful when the wavelength maxima of the analytes are different. Wavelengths can be selected to analyze each compound at its highest sensitivity. ...
If users experience one or more of the issues described in the preceding text, check theplatform-identity-providerpods to determine whether the pods have been restarted multiple times: oc get pods -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} | grep platform-identity-provider ...
Sample size calculations were based on the outcome of clinically meaningful improvement (≥30% from baseline) on the RDQ.24 Estimates of clinically meaningful improvement in the intervention and usual care groups were based on unpublished analyses of data from our previous trial of massage for ...
In experiment 1, participants were asked to perform the change-detect task in a simultaneous-representing condition in which WM content and the continuously-visible stimuli in view were simultaneously represented, as well as a baseline condition in which only the representations of visual WM content ...
Fig. 2: Overview of the D2CL architecture, training and inference. D2CL combines empirical data on multiple variables with prior causal knowledge to learn causal relationships between variables. For any pair of variablesXiandXj(corresponding to two columns of the input data matrix), D2CL seeks to...