vmlimitperhost选项指定主机中可以在优化备份操作期间并行处理的虚拟机 (VM) 和虚拟盘的数量。 优化备份操作是已在 VM、虚拟盘或子磁盘级别启用并行备份功能的备份操作。 vmlimitperhost选项与vmmaxparallel、vmmaxbackupsessions和vmlimitperdatastore选项配合使用,以优化备份操作和帮助控制在 vSphere 基础结构中的某个主...
vmlimitperhost指定中 ESX 中可以包括在并行备份操作中的虚拟机的最大数目。 此选项与vmmaxparallel和vmlimitperdatastore选项配合工作,以优化并行备份性能以及减轻并行备份在 vSphere 基础结构中的主机上产生的处理器负载。 支持的客户机 此选项可以与受支持的 x86_64 Linux 客户机配合使用。
[BUG] cannot allocate new block due to per host block limit on the guest RKE2 cluster #3089 (comment) Is there a workaround for the issue? If so, where is it documented? The workaround is at: [BUG] cannot allocate new block due to per host block limit on the guest RKE2 cluster ...
Cites an endorsement from the Committee on Accident and Poison Prevention, of the 55 miles per hour national speed limit in the United States. Effect of the law on the incidences of automobile accidents, injuries, and fatalities in the country.EBSCO_AspPediatrics...
aThe number of HTTP requests per minute from the source IP address exceeded the configured limit. ISA Server will block new HTTP requests sent from this IP address. This event indicates that this IP address probably belongs to an infected host. See the product documentation for more...
Internal Revenue Service's decision to lower the luxury limit for the cents-per-mile usage. Application of the cents-per-mile usage of valuing employees' personal use of company-provided vehicles; Restrictions to the application of the cents-per-mile usage, including company-provided luxury ...
The 55 Miles Per Hour Maximum Speed Limit.Elaborates the implications of the enactment of a speed limit law in the United States. Provisions of the law; Relationship between speed and automobile accidents; Recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics....
The Section 274 was crafted by the Congress so that the Section 274(n) limit on allowable allowance meal expense deductions shall be applied only once, either to the person who makes the expenditure or to the person who bears the expense, but not to both. The background of the case is ...
LCI plans 10 per cent limit on shareholdings.Reports on casino operator, London Clubs International's (LCI) proposed changes to its articles of association. Opportunity for LCI to force shareholders to sell their shares to prevent risks to the company's ability to hold a casino license; ...
must take steps to ensure that subscribers are not receiving reduced-rate Lifeline service from more than one provider. Because it is customer-specific, a carrier who loses a Lifeline customer to a reseller would no longer receive the Lifeline support to pass through to that customer....