1、止损单(stop order):这是一种当买方出价或卖方要价抵达预定价位时自动清仓的指令。2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。3、limit order包括...
For example, if you wanted to buy a stock at $10, you could enter a limit order for this amount. This means that you would not pay one cent over $10 for that particular stock. However, it is still possible that you could buy it for less than the $10 per share specified in the ...
Why would a trader choose one of the stock order types (Market or Limit) over the other. It really comes down to a trader's strategy. Some exit strategies call for the use of only Limit Orders. For instance a trader might use a Market Order or Buy-Stop Order (this one's coming up...
所以stop limit order就是给你更多的控制权,你设定2个价格stop price和limit price,当达到stop price...
2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。范例: 假设说李阿姨今天下的是一张卖100股通用汽车(GM)公司股票的订单当其股票价格在美金$50元。只要这家...
1、Buy Limit Order﹕限定价格的买单。举例来说,如果Yahoo股价是$10.50一股,而你限价$10.00买进Yahoo,则实际的撮合价格必须是$10.00或以下。如果股票价格高于$10.00则此限价买单无效。解析:买股票的一种设定形式,触发到你计划的时候可以自动买入。2、Sell Limit Order﹕限定价格的卖单。举例来说,如果你...
broker’s order book at a specified price. The order signifies that the trader is willing to buy a specific number of shares of the stock at the specified limit price. As the asset drops toward the limit price, the trade is executed if a seller is willing to sell at the buy order ...
Because the new buy limit order is at a price less than the best offer of ¥123.80, it will not immediately execute and is not taking the market.[释义] 新的买入指令定价为123.40,介于市场上的目前最优买价123.35和最优卖价123.8之间,因此这一买入指令做了一个新的市场。
Your stock order will only be filled if the stock reaches this target price. The main advantage of this type of order is that it allows investors to buy and sell stock at a comfortable price, which can help them avoid losses if the market moves against them. This type of order also ...
Limit orders, market orders, and stop orders are common order types used to buy or sell stocks and ETFs. Learn about the risks and advantages of each.