The order will only fill if the price falls to $49 or below. Orders can be partially or fully filled, depending on exchange terms and market liquidity. A limit sell (or short sale) order means the order will only execute at a certain price or higher. If the price reaches the limit ...
2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。范例: 假设说李阿姨今天下的是一张卖100股通用汽车(GM)公司股票的订单当其股票价格在美金$50元。只要这家...
These are used to buy or sell a security at the market price when the market price has a price you set. This type of order combines functions of both a market order and a limit order because it only executes when a specified price is reached. However, the security is often traded at ...
When it comes to the timing of limit orders, you can either set up specific durations or a “good till canceled” (GTC) order, which means your criteria for buying/selling stocks remains in place until you manually cancel the limit order. In many cases, limit orders are set up for one...
limit: 含义广泛,常用作复数。指任何界限、范围、分界线外面的部分,可指有形或无形的东西。 limit, confine, restrict 这些动词均有"限制,限定"之意。 limit: 一般指事先确定空间、时间或数量的极限,一旦超越限度,就会造成不良结果。当然也可指不事先规定,而且自然的或固有的界限。
Limit orders, market orders, and stop orders are common order types used to buy or sell stocks and ETFs. Learn about the risks and advantages of each.
Limit Bid means a bid by the Bidder at a Limit Price; Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy Limit Bid means a firm commitment by a Participating Bidder, submitted as part of a Limit Order Submission, to enter as Seller (i.e., the party that has an obligation to accept Delivery of ...
Thus, we show that limit order clustering at round numbers generates price barriers. This means that there are price levels (whole integers and halves) for which a given stock spends an inordinate amount of time, thus possibly hampering the market's ability to process information efficiently. ...
RE: the error that you receive means that the price might have moved as you were placing the order (e.g. binance cancelled it because it was not far enough away from the last price or the mark price to create a limit order). This could be due to timing and/or precision. You will...
Sell Limit expects to open a position to sell at a higher quote then the current one at the moment of an order placement. The following orders may be used to close a position: Security Limits means operating electricity system voltage limits, stability limits and thermal ratings. Facility Limit...