"$http_referer" ' '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"'; access_log logs/access.log main; sendfile on; limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=one:10m rate=1r/s; limit_req_status 429; server { listen 80; location / { limit_req zone=one burst=5 nodelay; root html; }...
上述代码使用$http_x_real_ip变量将真实客户端IP保存在$limit_ip变量中,并且将该变量传递给limit_req指令进行限流操作。 在同一个位置下方添加以下代码: if ($limit_ip) { limit_req zone=ip_limit:10m burst=10 nodelay; } limit_req_status 429; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 上述代码根据$limit_ip变量判断是否...
limit_req_status 429; It is valid forserver {},location {}, orhttp {}context. limit_req Once thelimit_req_zoneandlimit_req_status(optional) directives are set, you can use thelimit_reqdirective to enable request limiting anywhere within theserver {},location {}, orhttp {}context. It w...
- `limit_req_zone`: 用于定义请求速率限制的zone,参数包括限制区域变量、区域名称、存储大小和速率限制。 - `limit_req_status`: 设置当请求速率超限时返回的状态码,429表示请求过多。 - `limit_req`: 在指定的区域内实现请求速率限制,参数包括zone、burst和nodelay。 - `zone`: 指定请求速率限制的zone名称。
,rateLimit=require('express-request-limit'); constrateLimitOpts={ timeout:1000*60*30, exactPath:true, cleanUpInterval:0, errStatusCode:429, errMessage:'Too many requests made to this route.' } app.get('/api/:id/votes',rateLimit(rateLimitOpts),(req,res)=>{ ...
nextUrl; const config = rateLimitConfig[pathname]; const { isAllowed } = await nextRateLimiter(req, config); if (config && !isAllowed) { return new Response(JSON.stringify({ error: "Too many requests" }), { status: 429, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, }); } }...
await fastify.register(import('@fastify/rate-limit'), { /* */ ban: 10, onBanReach: function (req, key) { console.log('callback on exceeded ban limit') } })Options on the endpoint itselfRate limiting can be also can be configured at the route level, applying the configuration ...
function(req,res,/*next*/){res.status(options.statusCode).send(options.message);} onLimitReached Function that is called the first time a user hits the rate limit within a given window. Thereq.rateLimitobject haslimit,current, andremainingnumber of requests and, if the store provides it, ...
-"req.headers['host']" For this example, we are assuming that ngrok is pointing at the upstream servicehttps://httpbin.org. Example Request $curlhttps://httpbin.ngrok.app/get HTTP/2 429 retry-after:24 In this example, we attempt to connect tohttpbin.ngrok.appusing thecurlcommand and...
await fastify.register(import('@fastify/rate-limit'), { /* */ onExceeded: function (req, key) { console.log('callback on exceeded ... executed before response to client') } }) Custom onBanReach example usage:await fastify.register(import('@fastify/rate-limit'), { /* */ ban: 10,...