Operating System ubuntu and mac Programming Languages Python CCXT Version 4.4.22 Description Coinbase fetch_my_trades() internal limit of 100 is buggy, does not return all trades. This is similar to issue raised on fetch_closed_orders. T...
We select data from several different exchanges, and focus on the BTC/USD market, which is the leading cryptocurrency pair by traded volume and order book depth. For this currency pairs, we determine the largest exchanges by volume and collect data from BitFinex, Bitstamp and Coinbase1. We re...
https://dailycoin.com/crypto-exchange-fees-comparison/ https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/pricing-and-fees/fees https://www.gemini.com/earn https://www.sec.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2024-37 https://www.eto...