Here the sell limit price is entered above the stock's current market price. Setting limits Lowprice then posts a new 1,000-share sell limit order for IBM on EDGE for $161.13. Using an ultra-fast connection between the co-location facility at NYSE and Opaque, a sell limit order for 1...
2、限价停损单 ( stop-limit order ):此种委托单结合了限价买单 ( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单 ( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。当股票达到一特定价格时,限价停损委托单便被使用。范例: 假设说李阿姨今天下的是一张卖100股通用汽车(GM)公司股票的订单当其股票价格在美金$50元。只要这家...
限价单(Limit Order)和止损单(Stop Order)的区别 在交易时用得最多的是二类定单,第一类是市价单(Market Order),就是用市场现在的报价成交,这类定单非常简单易懂,不需要多作解释,但第二类的定单相对比较复杂一点,它包括二种定单,一种是限价单,一种是止损单。 限价单和止损单都属于挂单,也就是用市场以后可...
Use alimitordertodefinethepriceyou'rewillingtopay, whichlimitsyourmarketimpact. See also buy limit order sell limit order(Definition oflimit orderfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) Examplesoflimit order limit order A stoplimit order combines the features of a ...
Stop order(stop-loss order):通常用来止损或者锁定利润。和limit order最大的差别是, Limit order在...
The meaning of LIMIT ORDER is an order to buy securities at a specified maximum price or sell them at a specified minimum price.
4)限价停损单(Stop-Limit Order): 此种委托单结合了限价买单( Buy Limit Order ) 以及限价卖单( Sell Limit Order ) 二种形式。|基于62个网页 2. 止损限价单 止损限价单(stop-limit order)是MT5中的一种新的下单方式,但有点像是一个只作信号不执行的止损单和一个限价单的组合。限… ...
But by using alimit orderyou also protect yourself from buying the stock at too high a price.───但使用的限制也为了你保护自己购买股票的价格太高。 Once the stop price is reached, the stop-limit orderbecomes alimit orderto buy or to sell at a specified price.───一旦停止价格达成协议,...
A limit order in the financial markets is a direction to purchase or sell a stock or other security at a specified price or better. This stipulation allows traders to better control the prices at which they trade. A limit can be placed on either a buy or a sell order: ...
Here's how it works on the sell side. Let's say the company's stock trades at $25, but you want to protect yourself from a big drop in the price, so you decide to set a sell limit at $22. If there's a drop and someone sells at or below $22, this triggers your order. Th...