检测限(limit of detection, LoD)是指某一分析方法在给定的可靠程度内可以从样品中检测待测物质的最小浓度或最小量A.正确B.错误
of检出检测限LimitLOD检出限limitlodLoD检测 系统标签: lodlimitdetectionloqfutmon检测 Aldo Marchetto, Gabriele Tartari & Rosario Mosello Limit of Detection (LOD) and Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) estimation and use in the chemical lab Life+ FutMon - Working Group on QA/QC in Laboratories Meeting ...
1) limit of detection(LOD) 最低检测限(LOD) 2) LOD 最低检测限 1. The key points of research work were the sensitivity and the lowest detection limit (LOD) of metal oxide semiconductor sensor (MOS). 本项目研究并构建了一个医用电子鼻系统,重点研究金属氧化物气体传感器的灵敏度和最低检测限。
4.2Limit of detection (LoD) The LoD is defined as the lowest quantity or concentration of a component that can be reliably distinguished from the LoB. It therefore reflects the analyte level at which the likelihood of a low-level sample giving a false-negative result equals the specified Type...
aLimit of detection (LOD) and Limit of quan-titation (LOQ) which were calculated from the recovery solutions and verified experimentally afterwards 侦查 (从) 补救解答被计算 (并且) 实验性地之后被核实的LOD测量LOQ极限和极限 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯...
LoB:Limit of Blank,空白限,不包含任何被测对象的样本可能产生的最高值。LoB反映的是"0浓度样本会测出“0”的结果吗?" LLoD:Lower Limit of Detection,检测限,将被测物的“存在”或“不存在”区分开的值,是可一致检测到被测物的最低浓度值。LoD反映的是"我能够持续检测到的最低量是多少?" ...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: limitofdetection,LOD limitofdetection,LOD分享到: 检测限分类: 解剖学 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗? ·韧带 ·光学显微照片显微镜检查 ·光学显微镜显微镜检查 ·浅...
The limit of detection (LO 决议(Rs)前二个峰顶是0.88。 迁移时间的变异通过漂洗血丝减到最小以100毫米水跟随的氢氧化钠在跑的其中每一之前。 以这个方法,好增殖率在5.0%之内能获得与迁移时代的RSD。 侦查(LOD)极限在1.5 ng以下。 [translate]
Analytical instruments are used to detect, quantify and qualify almost everything imaginable. Detection of energy or matter requires a baseline reading (no analyte) and a signal generated by the analyte of interest. Baselines are not perfectly flat-they
英文: Limits of detection for morphine,codeine,narcotine and papaverine were 0.07 ,0.0,0.00 ,0.0009 μg/L 0 μL of imject volume,respectively. The limit of quantitation were 0.,0.08,0.0,0.00 μg /L,respectively. 中文: 吗啡、可待因、罂粟碱、那可丁的检出限LOD分别为0.07 、0.0、0.00 和0.000...