需要resource_limit=true 才生效
$dsconf get-server-prop -hhost-pportlook-through-limit search-size-limit\search-time-limit idle-timeoutlook-through-limit : 5000 search-size-limit : 2000 search-time-limit : 3600 idle-timeout : none The output shows that searches look through a maximum of 5000 entries, return a maximum of...
mac-limit命令用来限制从对等体收到的MAC通告路由数量。 undo mac-limit命令用来恢复缺省配置。 缺省情况下,不限制从对等体收到的MAC通告路由数量。 命令格式 mac-limit per-peer number [ percentage ] [ alert-only | idle-forever | idle-timeout times ] undo mac-limit per-peer 参数说明 参数参数说明取值...
idle-timeouttimes表示路由超限断连后,自动重新建立连接的超时定时器。在定时器超时前,可执行命令reset bgp重新建立连接。整数形式,取值范围是1~1200,单位是分钟。 ipv4-address参数仅在BGP视图、BGP-IPv4单播地址族视图、BGP-IPv4组播地址族视图下生效。
Set time limit for active but idle Remote Desktop Services sessions for paticular user and server 發行項 2015/10/29 Question Thursday, October 29, 2015 3:32 PM I want to make a GPO where specific users are logged off after a certain time on one particular server. I made a GPO by ...
balancer_idle_time balancer_log_interval balancer_task_timeout balancer_timeout_check_interval balancer_tolerance_percentage bf_cache_miss_count_threshold bf_cache_priority builtin_db_data_verify_cycle cache_wash_threshold clog_cache_priority clog_disk_usage_limit_percentage clog_disk_utilization_threshol...
Sessions has been idle over its time limit. It will be disconnected in 2 minutes. Press any key now to continue session. You must specify and increase a timeout reconnection for a remote session. Follow the steps below. These steps must be performed by your systems administrator. ...
该参数结合profile来可以控制多种资源的使用,如CPU_PER_SESSION, CONNECT_TIME,LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION, PRIVATE_SGA等等从而达到到节省资源来实现高效性能。本文描述了数据资源限制并演示了IDLE_TIME及SESSIONS_PER_USER的用法。 1、数据库资源限制的主要步骤 Implemented by * Setting RESOURCE_LIMIT = TRUE in ...
The other tab remains idle. When the session inactivity timeout value for the integration instance is reached for the idle tab, you are not logged out of either tab. Assume user A is signed in when the session inactivity timeout is set to 45 minutes. A user with the ServiceAdministrator ...
对等体之间邻居关系为Idle时,如果对等体处于idle-forever和idle-timeout(定时器超时前)所导致的邻居中断时,可通过reset bgp重新建立连接。 不配置alert-only、idle-forever、idle-timeout参数的时候,路由超限产生告警并记入日志,邻居断连,30秒后自动重新尝试建立邻居关系。 使用实例 # 设置允许从对等体收到的路由数...