No my FPS is perfectly fine. The problem is that Apex Legends has 'limit background fps', which is a common option in the settings for most games, on by default and you cannot change it in the in game settings. I have the origin app disabled because it's really annoying but it ...
"apex-legends-fr-link":"Apex Legends","apex-legends-pl-link":"Apex Legends","ea-play-de-link":"EA Play","the-sims-game-info-hub-nl-link":"De Sims Spel Informatie Hub","Common-madden-nfl-25-en-link":"Madden NFL 25","mass-effect-franchise-discussion-pl-link":"Mass Effect","...
You can use riva tuner for apex legends. 0 Likes Reply elstaci MVP 10-17-2022 06:31 PM Empty heading If you are getting 1000 FPS or higher seems like you have either overclocked your GPU or CPU or some other unusual hardware changes to achieve such high FPS. Normally your...
I will be your personal best coach in apex legends 5.0(46)From US$20 TThebritishporo I will coach you in league of legends top lane 5.0(8)From US$10 AAstro Ceo I will explain the basics of rainbow six siege 4.8(2)From US$10 CCtrap I will coach you to ...
10:10 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉 0 5年前 10:06 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉 0 5年前 10:44 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉 0 5年前 10:10 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉 0 5年前 10:05 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉 0 5年前 10:18 Apex Legends WTF 燃烧我的五花肉...
0 1年前 18:19 【4K UHD_60fps 前面 YCMNH 0 6月前 11:24 白云8400输出狂魔 坦克世界解说黑白 0 9年前 10:04 Apex Legends-GTX 草薙水素 0 6年前 11:15 YOUTUBE有8400万的播放 小迭戈1984 0 4年前 14:50 你有试过开 本田 思域 Hond 冻奶茶少甜 0 3年前 ...
I understand you people with 120 or 144 hz monitors must be pissed , because the game is locked at 60 fps, but in the new patch they added some supersampling options and man does it take the power of my gtx 670 sli, on 4x which is max it bottles both cards at 99% usage and is...
hey can we have a fix that also limits the exodus 64 CQ vehicles? Just in 64CQ there are more vehicles than in 128CQ I don't think that is intentional, many people like the exodus map playlist more than the normal 128CQ and in 64 players you also have significantly more fps. ...
"The activation limit for this serial number has been exceeded! Contact customer support for more information." I am trying to play this on steam and I came... - 7265715