November 20, 2023 My Unison preamp to go I probably use this preamp on my Apollo Unison input more than any other preamp or amplifier. Compared to the other preamps, it is of course very DSP-friendly. I also find it more transparent and yet warm enough to give me the illus...
J. Dornai July 2, 2024 A legnagyobb királyság. Az UAD Neve belépő moduljai, magasan a legjobbak a ma használt pluginek közül ha a meleg, vintage hangzást keresed .A Neve előerősítő egyszerű mint a faék és ütős,meleg,karakteres hangot kapsz éneket és ...
October 16, 2023 Neve Sound Nice Mojo and Vibe on the way in. Easy to over do it though. Love it. D. Hall October 2, 2023 Sounds great — and low DSP impact This has been a great addition to the portfolio — sounds great when tracking instruments and vox. Pair it w...