Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland — Ophthalmic Section in Regional Hospital, Limerick on Saturday 23rd May, 1987doi:10.1007/BF02950358SpringerIrish Journal of Medical Science
Vincent’s University Hospital where he spends five months before transferring to a physical rehabilitation facility. As of late 2020, while he is still in hospital following a stroke the previous year, he has been making steady progress. Share this: Twitter Facebook Categories: Irish History, ...
Prospective cost analysis study of cases of right iliac fossa pain in Limerick regional hospitaldoi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2012.06.468DonaghHealyAamirAzizCheeSiongWongPierceGraceJohnSDOSInternational Journal of SurgeryAziz A, Healy DA, Wong M, Coffey JC, Grace PA, Walsh SR. Prospective cost analysis study...
O322 OUTCOMES OF WOMEN UNDER 25 YEARS OF AGE REFERRED FOR COLPOSCOPY CLINIC AT MID-WESTERN REGIONAL HOSPITAL, LIMERICKdoi:10.1016/S0020-7292(12)60752-8N.IbrahimK.HickeyN.BozreibaSDOSInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
O322 OUTCOMES OF WOMEN UNDER 25 YEARS OF AGE REFERRED FOR COLPOSCOPY CLINIC AT MID-WESTERN REGIONAL HOSPITAL, LIMERICKdoi:10.1016/S0020-7292(12)60752-8Ibrahim, N.Hickey, K.Bozreiba, N.Elsevier Ireland LtdInternational Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics...
Outcomes of women under 25 years of age referred for colposcopy clinic at mid-western regional hospital, limerick (period from January 2004 to September 2009)N., IbrahimN., BozreibaK., Hickey