Barring certain E.G.O gifts with a defined fusion recipe. You’re still being held at the mercy of the dice roll. One conspicuous indicator of this is when the forecast result shows a "Random" in place of a percentage. This will happen for three reasons: Barring certain E.G.O gifts ...
EGOVoiceDig Voice_EGO_Gregor_12.json Voice_EGO_Heathcliff_7.json Voice_EGO_HongLu_6.json EGOgift_MirrorDungeon-mowe.json EGOgift_MirrorDungeon.json EGOgift_walpu4.json Egos.json Enemies-walpu4.json GachaTitle.json IntroductionPreset.json Items-a1c6.json Items.json ...