Limb ischemia, defined as ischemic rest pain, ischemic ulcerations, or ischemic gangrene, represents the most severe manifestation of PAD and is associated with significant cardiovascular and limb morbidity and mortality. Critical limb ischemia (CLI), defined as limb ischemia symptoms for greater ...
Objectives To evaluate outcomes of patients undergoing Excimer Laser atherectomy (ELA) for the treatment of infrainguinal occlusive disease in patients with critical limb ischemia. Methods A retrospective review of all patients who underwent infrainguinal ELA for critical limb ischemia at Dartmouth-Hitch...
Besides, the effect of promoting angiogenesis, cell proliferation and the recovery of limb blood perfusion, temperature and ischemic score of EGCG/Zn Ps were assessed with the mouse model of limb ischemia. 2. Experimental section 2.1. Materials Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, 95%) was purchased...
HospitalBernardesHospitalMarcosHospitalJornal Vascular BrasileiroSouza JE, Calvalcante LP, Bernardes MV, Parisati MH, Lacerda PS, Pereira RM. Acute limb ischemia secondary to radiation-induced arteritis: case report. J Vasc Bras 2013;12: 243-6....
Novel simultaneous combination chemical thrombolysis/rheolytic thrombectomy therapy for acute critical limb ischemia: the power-pulse spray technique. Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2004;63:512–22.David E.Allie, Chris J.Hebert, Mitchell D.Lirtzman, Charles H.Wyatt, V. AntoineKeller, Mohamed H.Khan, ...
Clinically, the arterial supply to the hand and fingers are essential. While collateral circulation often remains intact in the event of the occlusion or damage to the ulnar or radial artery, patients with anatomical vascular variations may develop ischemia and limb compromise if collateral...
Fernandez N, McEnaney R, Marone LK et al (2010) Predictors of failure and success of tibial interventions for critical limb ischemia. J Vasc Surg 52(4):834–842Fernandez N,McEnaney R,Marone LK,et al.Predictors of failure and success of tibial interventions for critical limb ischemia .J ...
Compartment syndrome develops when pressures within a closed compartment (i.e., the lower leg) exceeds the perfusion pressure of the vessel, leading to tissue ischemia, nerve compression, and subsequent pain out of proportion on exam.[20][21]The syndrome falls into classifications of acute or ch...
Thus, IGF-1-induced inhibition of the basolateral Cl channels could be a possible factor which protects the TAL after ischemia. We conclude that IGF-1 inhibits the basolateral 10-pS Cl channels in the TAL by PI3K–AKT–mTOR pathways. The significance of the present finding may illustrate a ...
Lower extremity venous system ①Deep vein : posterior ┐ superficial anterior ┼→popliteal→ femoral → common femoral--- peroneal ┘ ↑ profound ↑ │ femoral iliac vein ②Superficial vein: │ small saphenous─┘ great saphenous────--- Acute and chronic ischemia ? acute chronic etiolo...