参考答案: 设随机变量𝜉服从[0,1]上的均匀分布,记 求(𝜉,𝜂)的联合分布。 参考答案: 8.问答题 设随机变量𝜉,𝜂的密度函数分别如下,求𝑈,𝑉的联合分布. 参考答案:因为𝜉,𝜂的相关系数为0,故𝜉,𝜂不相关.但是w... 点击查看完整答案...
The Limit in Calculus: Limit of a functionfis defined on some open interval that contains a numberc, except atcitself. Then the limit off(x)asxtends toP. We'll write it aslimx→cf(x)=P. The given function is a trigonometric secant function. To find out the limit near the given poin...