Any man who has had to spend some four years in prison on trumped up charges and during all that time has had time to reflect on what went wrong with his life, deserves a break! Even you, limkamput, deserve a second chance! #98byJeffreyon Tuesday, 26 August 2008 - 11:47 pm Out...
Dear good leader Lim Kit Siang and team, Lim Kit Siang is our grandpa, our papa and now our own hero ! Kit Siang menang ! Kit Siang boleh ! wish all of you the best in your hard work not for your own self but for the people!your sacrificial LOVE for the RAKYAT will not be in ...
“At present, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also the Internal Security Minister and Finance Minister…” KIT This is ridiculous and has made the Malaysian government the subject of public ridicule. It can only mean two things i.e. he has no good candida...
Yup, Uncle Kit, this time, you cant tell AAB to carry the losses of those punters who got burnt in the stock market. Anyone who listens to an idiot is a bigger idiot. It is due to their heard mentality and greed that they are burnt. The stock market is not a place to put your ...
“When Dr Mahathir wanted to try the concept “Wawasan School”, Lim Kit siang wasted no time in objecting it, scaring the Chinese with lies about closure of Chinese School.” Reply : Do you think the racist government is able to conduct Wawasan School? It will be racist School, you wan...
This is not an attempt to answer your questions in relation to Singapore’s political situation. This is the webblog of YB Lim Kit Siang, the advisor to Democratic Action Party (DAP) of Malaysia. I think it will be much better for you to address your Singapore-related questions to a web...
Lim Kit Siang is firmly committed to secular democracy and opposed to Islamic state. But I’m sure he is not Islamophobic. DAP quit BA in protest against PAS’s agenda of Islamic state about a decade ago. I don’t think this was Islamophobic at all. It was simply a principled action ...
We seem to be guided by the misconception that every doctor’s practice is a gold mine.Apparently this is not true especially with regards to Dr.Basmullah.In short he is a struggling doctor trying to earn a decent living to support a family of eight.Kit siang is right, he dont deserve...
A bill only needs a simple majority of MPs present in Parliament at the time of voting to be passed. Two-thirds majority of MPs (and not just MPs present) is required for any constitutional amendment to be adopted – YB Kit. Whilst generaly true, if I were not mistaken, the 2/3 maj...
We have 25% Chinese population now and Ong Ka Ting should DEMAND 25% worth of education funds and stop behaving like a beggar. Even DOGS don’t do that! Sorry this sounds like an attack on OKT but its truth & I hope he can wake up in time to do something REAL for th...