语法填空There are a number of traditions and 41 (story) about the plant Lily of the Valley. One story tells that theflowers first 42 (grow)during Saint Leonard's battle with a dragon. Where there was his blood on the ground,there was a Lily of the Valley plant. Others refer 43 it ...
Lily of the valley is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Lily in the Asparagus family. Origin is Europe, East Asia, North Asia. While vulnerable to the heat of summer, it is extremely resistant to the cold, making it a representative flower. The life cycle of the lily of the vall...
Lily-of-the-valley might be safe for most people when used under proper medical supervision. But, it isUNSAFEwhen used for self-medication. Since lily-of-the-valley can affect the heart and other systems, the dose must be carefully chosen and side effects checked by a healthcare professional...
⑷Galanthus plicatus (Crimean snowdrop)30 cm高,花期1月-3月,“It is a larger plant than the Common Snowdrop Galanthus nivalis, with broader foliage characterised by the folding-under (explication) of the leaf margin when young. ”因为这个品种的亚种花纹太丰富了~~所以没找到有代表性的图片。 Gala...
lily of the valley (pl. lilies of the valley) 常用短语,【植物;植物学】欧铃兰 (Convallaria majalis);铃兰 lily n.1.【植物;植物学】百合属;百合,百合花。2.纯白的东西;纯洁的人;〔常 pl.〕洁白美丽的颜色。3.〔常 pl.〕 = fleur-de-lis.4.〔美俚〕女人腔调的男人 adj....
Lily of the valley is one of the most beautiful flowers that appear in wet forests in Europe, Asia, and North America from April till June.Every part of the plant is poisonous because it contains about 20 poisonous glycosides such as convalatoxin, convalarin, and convalamarin, as well as...
lily of the valley (redirected fromLily-of-the-valley) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Lily-of-the-valley:Convallaria lily of the valley n.pl.lilies of the valley A widely cultivated ornamental plant(Convallaria majalis)having one-sided racemes of fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers. ...
lily of the valley的中文意思 沪江词库精选lily of the valley是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释 名词[植] 铃兰 英语解释 low-growing perennial plant having usually two large oblong lanceolate leaves and a raceme of small fragrant nodding bell-shaped flowers followed by scarlet berries...
Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis) is an herbaceous perennial found naturally in temperate northern woodlands and forests, with three different geographic subspecies in its native ranges of North America, Europe, and Asia. A member of the plant familyAsteraceae, lily of the valley is related...
lily of the valley 美 英 n.铃兰 网络铃兰花;山百合;谷中百合 复数:lily of the valleys复数:lilies of the valley 权威英汉双解 英英 网络释义 LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY n. 1. 铃兰a plant with small white flowers shaped like bells 例句