W. C. Taylor in his Bible Illustrated by Egyptian Monuments, where he says that the lilies of the 45th and 59th Psalms have puzzled all Biblical critics. The title, 'To the chief musician upon Shoshannim,' has been supposed to be the name of some unknown tune to which the psalm was...
Combination of ROSE and MARY. This name can also be given in reference to the herb, which gets its name from Latin ros marinus meaning "dew of the sea" 结合了Rose和Mary,这个名字可指代一种香草,得名于拉丁语中的“ros marinus”,意思是海洋之露。 8 Calla 马蹄莲 音译名:卡利亚 音标:[ 'kl...
Combination of ROSE and MARY. This name can also be given in reference to the herb, which gets its name from Latin ros marinus meaning "dew of the sea" 结合了Rose和Mary,这个名字可指代一种香草,得名于拉丁语中的“ros marinus”,意思是海洋之露。 8 Calla 马蹄莲 音译名:卡利亚 音标:[ 'k...
Combination of ROSE and MARY. This name can also be given in reference to the herb, which gets its name from Latin ros marinus meaning "dew of the sea" 结合了Rose和Mary,这个名字可指代一种香草,得名于拉丁语中的“ros marinus...
The name Petunia is a girl's name of English origin meaning "trumpet-shaped flower". Petunia is often added to lists like Flower Names for Girls.在英文中,“佩妮”这个女生的名字原来的意思是“喇叭形状的花朵”。佩妮这个名字经常出现在“适合女生的花朵名”的列表中。2Iris鸢尾花音译名:艾丽斯音标:[...
Song of Solomon 2:17 tn The expression הָרֵי בָתֶר (hare bater,“mountains of Bethar”) is difficult because there is no known mountain-range which was ever called by this name. The meaning of the noun בֶּתֶר (beter) is uncertain. DCH distingu...
在《宝宝取名圣经》(Baby Name Bible)中提及,Daisy这个名字带来别人的是“新鲜、健康有活力”的印象。 而在罗马神话中,由于雏菊是森林中的妖精——贝尔帝丝的化身,她淘气、活泼、明朗。 总体而言,花朵给人一种恬淡、温馨的感觉,很适合那些恬淡、却又机灵淘气的女生。
and pears. Its genus name is derived from the Greek wordskratos, meaning ‘strength,’ because of the great strength of the wood, andakis, meaning ‘sharp,’ referencing the thorns of most species. ‘Hawthorn’ can be traced back to the Old English wordhagathorn, withhagameaning ‘hedge.’...
The name "Lily of the Valley" is also used in some English translations of the Bible in Song of Songs 2:1, although whether the Hebrew word "shoshana" (usually denoting a rose) originally used there refers to this species or not is uncertain. The meaning of this flower is "You will ...
Her name was Meta, she belonged to one of the “best families” of Posen, she lived in Berlin with her mother who kept a boarding house for ladies of the theatre. She herself nursed the ardent desire to dedicate herself to art, for “the ideal” had always been the guiding star of ...