第二集21集,marshall和lily的婚礼,是我最喜欢的几集之一,怎么看都不腻滴,lily的前男友scoot出现,然后说,“if you can look me in the eye and tell me you love marshall...”然后一直躲着lily的眼神,超级搞笑!然后,marshall还把自己的头发的中间给剃了,笑死我啦!当marshall发现他们买的房子地板是斜的,他...
Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Tracy can return inHow I Met Your Fatherseason 2. While Robin Scherbatsky somewhat satiatedHIMYMfans' desire for cameos, there are still various ways for the beloved character to guest star again in season 2. Although it’s unlikely...
Vmaju2007, sta se tetaLilyin stric Marshall poročila v zgodovinski hiši Van Smoot na podeželju New Yorka. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 InMayof 2012, Marshall andLilyhosted a baby shower in the apartment. Maja2012, sta Marshall inLilyv stanovanju priredila zabavo za novorojenčka. ...
You are the miserable, whining, shampoo-sniffing ghost of marshall, and frankly, a guy like you doesn't have a shot in hell with a girl like lily. تو روح بدبخت ناله كن شامپو بو كن مارشالي و ...
James Marshall Liz Climo Todd Parr Eve Bunting 伊夫·邦廷 Robert Munsch 蒙施爷爷 Steve Jenkins Paul Galdone David Macaulay Shel Silverstein Lois Ehlert Gail Gibbons Chris van Allsburg Neil Gaiman Elisa Kleven Robert Ingpen 罗伯特.英潘 Lisbeth Zwerger 莉丝白·茨威格 Patricia Polacco Nancy Tillman Jan Br...
Up Next: Bell stars in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, due out this month, the latest romantic comedy from Judd Apatow, the auteur behind Superbad and Knocked Up.“They’ve sort of invented this new type of moviemaking where you really just improv almost the whole thing,” says Bell. “I ...
『﹍LILY【8牌子】放些lily穿的衣服牌子别的baby都有八衣服牌子的我们莉莉就没有放些自己发现的莉莉穿过的说不定能找到 莉莉希恩 分享5赞 临汾吧 guohuanan124 临汾那有lily女装这个牌子,非常着急临汾那有lily女装这个牌子,谢谢 临汾 分享5赞 gossip吧 lovelainebaby 【XOXO】大家帮我看看lily这款包包是啥牌子的...
Meanwhile, Lily’s commitment to her job as The Captain’s art consultant strains her relationship with Marshall robin要巴叔卖掉他的单身公寓,巴叔宁死不屈并击退不少购房者。同时,Marshall为Lily的新工作倍感苦恼。 SERIES REGULARS: Josh Radnor (Ted) Jason Segel (Marshall) Cobie Smulders (Robin) Neil...