I thought Lilo and Stitch a warm and entertaining film, with beautiful animation with the Hawiian coast. The characters were engaging and funny, especially Jumbaa(wonderful voice work from David Ogden Stiers, in fact all the voice work was terrific, the other standout being Tia Carrere) and ...
Of the 144081 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the animated movie Lilo & Stitch.
Free Essay: For years Disney has been making movies that kids all around the world enjoy watching. Lilo and Stitch is one such movie. On the surface, the...
Im sorry but who gave Stitch the pass?— L21saac (@L21saac) August 10, 2024 Twitter: @L21saac Don't worry, folks. The live-action Lilo & Stitch isn't a rated R movie, and he didn't curse...well, not in any human language. He said, "Meega nala kweesta" which he's been ...