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MetrologyAnalytical laboratoryTraceabilityPrecisionMeasuresRegional and University Hospitals of Lille holds many of analysis laboratories with a great diversity of biology specialities. To date, a great biology center is building to accommodate there all these laboratories at the beginning of 2007. In this...
That’s the law in France but MS probably thinks that it doesn’t match with the cool attitude Mama wants. When checking in, I noticed that no one was wearing a mask: reception desk, restaurant, bar… NO ONE. As I asked for an explanation, I was told that since employees were ...
*Please note: To provide you with the widest possible selection of flight destinations, some of the direct flights or connecting flights on austrian.com are operated by our partner airlines, which may result in a different flight experience than with Austrian Airlines. ...
des patients, la Commission Confidentialité de l'information médicale (CCIM) du CHU de Lille a réalisé un audit à destination de tous les agents de l’établissement dont l'objectif a été de recueillir les pratiques des professionnels en matière de confidentialité des données de santé...
GynecologicalSurgeryAnalysis of litigation in gynecological surgery in the French university hospital of Lille. It is a longitudinal and retrospective study. We collected all cases of complaints between November1997 and August2015 concerning the department of gynecological surgery, university hospital of ...
Computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses: Forssell A, Lillequist B, Adv Otorhinolaryngol 24:42, 1978ELSEVIERJournal of Computed Tomography
doi:10.1016/0750-7658(96)84418-2P. GoldsteinB. LacrampeR. JolyC. BavencoffeP. LacheryAnnales Franaises D Anesthésie Et De Réanimation
The search engine Pubmed was especially studied as a representation of the professional use of the Internet. Trainees were classified in "young" (first 2years) and "old" (last 3years). The ability to obtain medical information online was strong as 98% of the participants reported using the ...
We report here the Lille Hospital's experience over a four-year period concerning these manifestations after platelet concentrate transfusion. Eight hundred and fifty-two immediate transfusion...doi:10.1016/j.tracli.2010.09.115P. RenomM. Jourdain...